Department of Moral Education

Quran, Muslim parents or children reading for learning, Islamic knowledge or studying in Allah, god

One cannot deny the need for moral training alongside education and learning. Generally, in schools, the need for moral training is not negated. Often, no special arrangements are made for moral education in schools.

Alhamdulillah, in Darul Uloom, moral training and teaching of good conduct is carried out in a Sufi manner. The sayings of Hazrat Aalim-ul-Ummat Maulana Ashraf Thanvi and Nur-Allah Marqadah are relayed. In various gatherings, attention is directed towards moral reform and purification of the soul. Students nearing graduation are encouraged to establish reformative relationships with elders.

Meetings are held in the presence of successors and Mujahideen of Hazrat Hakeem-ul-Ummat Thanvi, Nur-Allah Marqadah.